九州大学大学院歯学研究院 口腔顎顔面病態学講座 顎顔面腫瘍制御学分野 九州大学病院 顎口腔外科





14th International Sjögren’s Syndrome Symposium in Washingtonでの学会発表(2018.4.18-20)

右:Activated M2 macrophage via its Toll-like receptor 7 contributes to the pathogenesis of IgG4-related disease(柿添乃理子)
左:DNA microarray analysis of labial salivary gland in Sjogren's synderome indicates a role for innate immune responses in its pathogenesis via Toll like receptor8(坂本瑞樹)

RoRγt antagonist suppressed spontaneous sialadenitis in RORγt transgenic mice via inhibition of IL-17 production with increase of regulatory T cells(小野由湖)
Travel awards受賞

Clinicopathological analysis of labial salivary gland tissues from patients with IgG4-related disease(鎮守晃)
Travel awards受賞